
Particulars Cr. Dr.
Opening Balance {{ $data['total']['opening'] }} Cr.
Total Fee Collected {{ $data['fee_collection'] }} Cr.
Total Salary Pay {{ $data['salary_pay'] }} Dr.
Bank deposit / withdraw amount {{$data['bank_transaction']->sum('cr_amt')}} Cr. {{ $data['bank_transaction']->sum('dr_amt') }} Dr.
Transactions Income and Expenses on different heads {{$data['transaction']->sum('cr_amount')}} Cr. {{ $data['transaction']->sum('dr_amount') }} Dr.
Closing Balance Cash on Hand {{ $data['total']['coh'] }} Dr.
Account Tally {{ $data['total']['cr'] }} Cr. {{ $data['total']['dr'] }} Dr.
--}} @if (isset($data['fee_collection']) && $data['fee_collection']->count() > 0) @php($i=1) @foreach($data['fee_collection'] as $feesCollection) {{--@if($feesCollection->count() > 0) @foreach($feesCollection as $collection)--}} @php($i++) {{-- @endforeach @endif--}} @endforeach @else @endif
S.N. Head Amount
{{ $i }} {{ ViewHelper::getFeeHeadById($feesCollection[0]->fee_head) }} {{ $feesCollection->sum('paid_amount') }}
No {{ $panel }} data found. Please Filter {{ $panel }} to show.
Total {{ $data['fee_collection_total'] }}