{{ $panel }} List

{{ $panel }} Record list on table. Filter {{ $panel }} using the filter.
@if (isset($data['staff']) && $data['staff']->count() > 0) @php($i=1) @foreach($data['staff'] as $staff) {{--'id','reg_no', 'join_date', 'first_name', 'middle_name', 'last_name','designation', 'father_name', 'mother_name', 'date_of_birth', 'gender', 'blood_group', 'nationality','mother_tongue', 'address', 'state', 'country', 'temp_address', 'temp_state', 'temp_country', 'home_phone', 'mobile_1', 'mobile_2', 'email', 'qualification', 'experience', 'experience_info', 'other_info','status'--}} @php($i++) @endforeach @else @endif
S.N. Reg. Num. Join Date Staff Name Designation Father Name Mother Name Date of Birth Gender BloodGroup Nationality Mother Tongueue Address State Country Temp. Address Temp. State Temp. Country Home Phone Mobile Number Email Qualification Experience Experience Info Other Info Status
{{ $i }} {{ $staff->reg_no }} {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($staff->join_date)->format('Y-m-d')}} {{ $staff->first_name.' '.$staff->middle_name.' '. $staff->last_name }} {{ ViewHelper::getDesignationId($staff->designation) }} {{ $staff->father_name }} {{ $staff->mother_name }} {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($staff->date_of_birth)->format('Y-m-d')}} {{ $staff->gender }} {{ $staff->blood_group }} {{ $staff->nationality }} {{ $staff->mother_tongue }} {{ $staff->address }} {{ $staff->state }} {{ $staff->country }} {{ $staff->temp_address }} {{ $staff->temp_state }} {{ $staff->temp_country }} {{ $staff->home_phone }} @if(isset($staff->mobile_2)) {{ $staff->mobile_1.', '.$staff->mobile_2}} @else {{ $staff->mobile_1}} @endif {{ $staff->email }} {{ $staff->qualification }} {{ $staff->experience }} {{ $staff->experience_info }} {{ $staff->other_info }} {{ $staff->status=="active"?"Active":"In-Active" }}
No {{ $panel }} data found. Please Filter {{ $panel }} to show.